Monday, November 8, 2010

Documentation: Midas & an Explanation of Saturday Nights

Halloween was interesting here as I'm sure you can imagine. My apartment had costumes from Cruella DeVil and Queen Midas to youtube personalities. But I should give you the background and fill you in.
Every saturday night here in Charlotte we attend Club Marigny in our finest most outrageous attire. We are all students or in other words we have no money, but it doesn't take money to look good it takes creativity. From wrapping ourselves in fabric and face paints to scavenging the thrift stores we find or make unique pieces and go out. We spend hours getting dressed it's part of the fun, and who wants to do all of this work with out showing it off?

(Pictured above is an old military hat picked up from a thrift store, and spray painted gold. I then bought a black masquerade mask sprayed it gold, used a spray adhesive and pored gold glitter on the mask and randomly onto the hat. The shoes were also spray painted and glittered to match. These two items are from the Queen Midas outfit.)

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